The Hallowed Halls of Learning: Folk Horror at Cambridge University



On the 7th July 2016, by happenchance the anniversary of Cambridge’s son Syd Barrett, Folk Horror Revivalists Adam Scovell, Andy Sharp, Gary Parsons, Darren Charles and Andy Paciorek were all invited to speak alongside several other interesting chroniclers of the wyrd at the Alchemical Landscapes II symposium at Girton College,  University of Cambridge – the same seat of learning at which  Deliah Derbyshire studied.


The talks given that day were ~

Jo Melvin (Chelsea College of Arts)

Double Exposure: ’pataphysics and the Rural in Barry Flanagan’s Sculptural Practice

Lewis Wynn (University of Cambridge)

The Visual Occulture of Left Fields: Reclaiming the Radical History of Fields in Contemporary English Film

Adam Scovell (Goldsmiths / Celluloid Wicker Man)

Rurality in the Films of David Gladwell

Liberty Rowley (Four Feet Films)

Microgeography and an Exploration of the Magic that can be Found at the Bottom of the Garden

Harry Baker, (London Film School)

Folk Horror and the Mythic Cycle

Gary Parsons (University of East London)

British Witchcraft Documentaries of the 1970s and their Relation to Landscape and Culture

Christopher Josiffe (Independent Researcher)

The Dalby Spook in his Landscape: Gef the Talking Mongoose

(Un) remembered

Andy Paciorek (Wyrd Harvest Press)

Darren Charles (Unearthing Forgotten Horrors)

The Folk Horror Revival

Andy Sharp (English Heretic)
Video Anxieties

Marc Atkins and Rod Mengham (Sounding Pole Films)

The Fields of England

Folk Horror Revival would like to thank Yvonne Salmon and James Riley for their interest and enthusiasm in our various work and the kind hospitality they showed.
We thoroughly enjoyed the day and all the talks and look forward to more symposiums to come.

Keep watching the horizon …


Photos: Andy Paciorek. Except third image by Yvonne Salmon